The Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade's Business Excellence Awards 2024 (BEA) consists of online submissions. Nominations close on 11:59pm, July 8, 2024. Nomination packages and supporting materials must be submitted by 11:59pm, August 26, 2024.

If you foresee a conflict meeting these deadlines, please contact us at (905) 686-0883. Once the deadline has passed, no further submissions can be uploaded online.

How to Submit

1. Be sure to read the BEA Rules & Eligibility requirements.

2. Create your member account. Once created, log in here.

3. After logging in, you will be able to add a new submission and edit it until the closing date.

4. Select a category and provide a name for the submission so you can recognize it easily later. This is a name used for your purposes only, Judges will not see this title you provide.

5. Fill in the form to provide the information required for the category.

6. You can see your submission by clicking the "view submissions" link in the menu. From here you can edit the submission by clicking on the add/edit photos link and the written submission link.

7. Submissions will not be judged until you declare the submission final. All submissions not declared final will be disqualified.

Submission Details

  • Select the category you wish to enter, and submit your information according to the specifications for the category.
  • Providing supporting evidence could be a pivotal factor during the judging process. Evidence could include, but are not limited to, documents, testimonials (max. 3), photos, certificates of recognition, media releases, screenshots from social media, workplace policy books, etc.
    • Be sure to name each saved document clearly to indicate which question it relates to, to ensure a smooth judging process.
  • Include an electronic copy of your current corporate logo for production (PNG, SVG, or PDF). 
  • Entries will be saved in your member account, and you can go back in and edit right up until the entry deadline 11:59pm, August 26, 2024.
  • Accuracy of submitted materials is the responsibility of the applicant. Information given on the entry form will be used exactly as submitted in the award ceremony through production, presentation, and recognition in the media.

If you require assistance with submissions, please contact our office at (905) 686-0883.

Submission Deadline

  • Online submissions, including all supporting documentation, must be complete by 11:59pm, August 26, 2024.
  • After this deadline, the Judging Committee reserves the right to extend the deadline for a specific category and solicit additional entries in the event that there are fewer than three entries for the category in question.

Judging Committee

Business Excellence Awards 2024 - Virtual Judges will bring their professional experience and unique perspectives in deciding which businesses or organizations deserve top-ranks and coveted awards in each category. Judges will review the submissions and rate the work against provided criteria through a private, online system. Online judging will take place from August 27 - September 16, 2024.

Judging criteria are listed with each category description. The judging panel is comprised of individuals who are knowledgeable and experts in their respective industries. All entries are scored based on judging criteria.

BEA Gala

The Business Excellence Awards 2024 is our industry's stamp of quality and craftsmanship in recognizing the best of the best!

The Business Excellence Awards 2024 Gala will take place on October 17th. 

Make it a celebration for everyone - bring your team, clients, and suppliers to the event!